More About Neil Warner, photographer
Professional, sleek, low cost video from the specialists.
Neil Warner over the years.
Aerial Photography in the US
Neil has worked in many locations from the US, to Russia.
His marketing background and his aerial photography got him invited to help establish Aerial Photography of Maine
Irish Photographer of the Year
RTE, the Irish national state TV featured the work of Neil Warner when he won the Title "Irish Professional Photographer of the Year" for the third time. It includes the story of his dramatic helicopter crash into the Atlantic.
Leading 50,000 European Photographers
Neil Warner represents Ireland at the Federation Of European Photographers. He was chosen to restructure the FEP and he did this by raising €60,000 for the federation. He then was electected as president to lead the organisation for 5 years. As an ordanary council member he has been given the challenge of leading European photographers into the world of the moving image. This video was recorded at Lyon, France.

Contact Neil
Neil Warner
Warner Corporate Photography
Menlo Hill, Menlo, Galway, Ireland
00 353 872596304